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Target Exam



Political Science


Politics in India Since Independence: Regional Aspirations


Match the following Political Leaders in List 1 with the most appropriate description in List 2:

List- 1 (Political Leaders)

List- 2 (Description)

(A) Sant Harchand Singh Longowal

(I) Led the popular movement against princely rule in Kashmir

(B) Master Tara Singh

(II) Made efforts to revive Dravidian identity

(C) Sheikh Mohammad Abdulla

(III) President of Akali Dal in 1980

(D) E.V. Ramasami Naicker

(IV) One of the early Sikh leaders of ‘SGPC’

Choose the correct answer from the given options:

1- (A)- I, (B)- III, (C)- IV, (D)- II

2- (A)- II, (B)- IV, (C)- I, (D)- III

3- (A)- III, (B)- IV, (C)- I, (D)- II

4- (A)- IV, (B)- I, (C)- II, (D)- III






Correct Answer:



Sant Harchand Singh Longowal (1932–1985) was a prominent figure in Sikh politics and religion. His journey in the political arena commenced in the mid-1960s when he emerged as a leader within the Akali Dal, a significant Sikh political party. In 1980, he ascended to the presidency of the Akali Dal. In July 1985 he reached an agreement with Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi on key demands put forth by the Akalis.

Master Tara Singh (1885–1967)  emerged as one of the early leaders of the Shiromani Gurudwara Prabandhak Committee (SGPC), a key institution in Sikh affairs. As the leader of the Akali movement, he played a pivotal role in safeguarding Sikh rights and promoting their interests. While Master Tara Singh lent his support to the freedom movement, he held a dissenting stance when it came to the Congress party's policy of exclusively negotiating with the Muslim leadership. His concerns were rooted in the protection of Sikh rights.

Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah (1905-1982) was an influential leader in the context of Jammu and Kashmir, known for his unwavering dedication to the cause of autonomy and secularism in the region. He led the popular movement against princely rule, advocating for the rights and self-determination of the people of Jammu and Kashmir. Notably, Sheikh Abdullah held staunch opposition to Pakistan due to its non-secular character, and he assumed leadership of the National Conference. Following Jammu and Kashmir's accession to India in 1947, Sheikh Abdullah assumed the role of Prime Minister for the state. 

E.V. Ramasami Naicker (1879-1973), affectionately referred to as Periyar stands as a prominent figure in Indian history. He was a Tamil social reformer. He boldly championed atheism and remains celebrated for his tireless efforts in challenging the oppressive caste system while spearheading the revival of Dravidian identity. Initially affiliated with the Congress party, he launched the self-respect movement in 1925, igniting a fervour for social justice. Periyar's resolute leadership in the anti-Brahmin movement marked a turning point, and his allegiance shifted to the Justice party. Later, he founded the influential Dravidar Kazhagam, staunchly opposing the imposition of Hindi and the perceived dominance of North India.