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Target Exam



Political Science


Politics in India Since Independence: Politics of Planned Development


The idea of development generates contradictions, conflicts, and debates. Why?


Different sections of people have different meanings for development.

Development is solely focused on industrialists.

Development is primarily about urban consumers.

None of the above.

Correct Answer:

Different sections of people have different meanings for development.


Development refers to the process of positive change and progress in various aspects of society. It encompasses improvements in economic conditions, social well-being, education, etc.
'Development' carries different interpretations for various segments of society. Its meaning can vary significantly depending on the perspective of individuals. For instance, an industrialist contemplating the establishment of a steel plant, an urban consumer relying on steel products, and an Adivasi residing in the area would hold distinct and possibly conflicting views on development. Consequently, any discourse on development is likely to give rise to contradictions, conflicts, and debates