Practicing Success

Target Exam



Business Studies




It is not always true that just because a plan has worked before it will work again. Identify the related limitation of planning.


Planning leads to rigidity

Planning reduces creativity

Planning may not work in a dynamic environment

Planning does not guarantee success

Correct Answer:

Planning does not guarantee success


The correct answer is option 4 i.e. Planning does not guarantee success.

Planning does not guarantee success: The success of an enterprise is possible only when plans are properly drawn up and implemented. Any plan needs to be translated into action or it becomes meaningless. Managers have a tendency to rely on previously tried and tested successful plans. It is not always true that just because a plan has worked before it will work again. Besides, there are so many other unknown factors to be considered. This kind of complacency and false sense of security may actually lead to failure instead of success. However, despite its limitations, planning is not a useless exercise. It is a tool to be used with caution. It provides a base for analysing future courses of action. But, it is not a solution to all problems.