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Target Exam





Medieval India: Through the Eyes of Travellers


Who asserted, "There is no middle state in India" during the Mughal period?


Jean-Baptiste Travernier

Marco Polo

Duarte Barbosa

Francois Bernier

Correct Answer:

Francois Bernier


The correct answer is Option (4) → Francois Bernier

Francois  Bernier described Indian society as consisting of undifferentiated masses of impoverished people, subjugated by a small minority of a very rich and powerful ruling class. Between the poorest of the poor and the richest of the rich, there was no social group or class worth the name. Bernier confidently asserted: “There is no middle state in India.”

This, then, is how Bernier saw the Mughal Empire – its king was the king of “beggars and barbarians”; its cities and towns were ruined and contaminated with “ill air”; and its fields, “overspread with bushes” and full of “pestilential marishes”. And, all this was because of one reason: crown ownership of land.