Practicing Success

Target Exam





Admission of a Partner


The Balance sheet of Himanshu, Pranav and Tushar who were sharing profits in proportion to their capital stood as follows:

Balance Sheet
as on 31 March 2022
Liabilities  Rs Assets Rs
Sundry Creditors 25000 Land and Building 35000
Investment Fluctuation Fund 5000 Machinery 45500
Bills Payable 10000 Stock 13000

Himanshu = 35000
Pranav    = 21000
Tushar    = 14000

70000 Debtors 6000
    Investment 5000
    Bank 4000
    Profit and loss A/c 1500
  110000   110000

Addition Information:
(a) On 1st April 2022, they admitted Rachit into partnership for 1/6th share in future profit.
(b) Rachit will bring ₹25,000 for capital and ₹15,000 for goodwill.
(c) A provision for doubtful debts of 7% was to be made.
(d) Land and building is to be appreciated to 120%.
(e) Machinery is decreased by ₹1,500.

On the basis of above case give answer to question:

Select the treatment of the Investment Fluctuation fund on the admission of Rachit.


Transfer to credit side of All Partner's Capital A/c

Transfer to liability side of New Balance Sheet

Transfer to Debt side of Revaluation A/c

Transfer to Credit side of Old Partner's Capital A/c

Correct Answer:

Transfer to Credit side of Old Partner's Capital A/c


As there is no fall in market value of investments so the investment fluctuation fund is distributed between old partners in their old ratio.
Old ratio between old partners is capital ratio which means 35000:21000:14000
                                                                             =  5:3:2
Himanshu = 5000 x 5/10
             = 2500
Parnav = 5000 x 3/10
             = 1500
Tushar = 5000 x 2/10
             = 1000

The journal entry for this -
Investment Fluctuation Fund Dr. ₹5000
     To Himanshu's Capital A/c       ₹2500
     To Pranav's Capital A/c          ₹1500
     To Tushar's Capital A/c          ₹1000