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Target Exam





Modern India: Colonialism and the Countryside


Identify the Raja who first transferred his zamindari to his mother to save his property from English East India Company:


Raja of Jaipur

Raja of Dinajpur

Raja of Burdwan

Raja of Gwalior

Correct Answer:

Raja of Burdwan


The correct answer is Option (3) → Raja of Burdwan

The Raja of Burdwan, during the period of the East India Company's rule, was Raja Harendra Narayan. He faced financial difficulties and threats of the East India Company taking over his zamindari (landholding). To protect his property from being seized, Raja Harendra Narayan took the strategic step of transferring his zamindari rights to his mother, Maharani Braja Sundari Devi. This maneuver was an attempt to shield his estate from the clutches of the East India Company, as the company had restrictions and laws regarding the direct inheritance of zamindari rights. By transferring the zamindari to his mother, Raja Harendra Narayan sought to navigate the legal complexities and retain control over the estate, preventing its complete annexation by the East India Company. This event is indicative of the challenges and strategies employed by Indian rulers to navigate the changing dynamics during the East India Company's expansion in India.

So, the correct option is [3].