Practicing Success

Target Exam





India-People and Economy: Mineral and Energy resources

_______________, the country’s premier coal production company, still uses canaries to detect the presence of deadly carbon monoxide in underground mines. Miners collapse and often die even if small quantities of the highly poisonous CO are present in the air. Though miners speak lovingly of the canaries, the underground experience is not at all pleasant for the birds. When lowered into mines with CO presence, the birds show distress symptoms such as ruffling of feathers, pronounced chirping and loss of life. These reactions occur even if 0.15 per cent of CO is present in the air. If the content is 0.3 per cent the bird shows immediate distress and falls off its perch in two to three minutes. A cage of birds is a good indicator in air containing more than 0.15 per cent CO, said a coal miner. The sophisticated hand-held CO detectors introduced by the company can detect CO concentrations from as low as 10 ppm to as high as 1,000 ppm. But despite this, the miners trust the birds, who have saved the lives of several of their predecessors.
Which of the following coal mine is being referred to in the above paragraph?
Correct Answer:
Singareni collieries, the country’s premier coal production company, still uses canaries to detect the presence of deadly carbon monoxide in underground mines.