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Target Exam



Political Science




Which of the following rights helps us to develop our capacity to reason, gives us useful skills and enables us to make informed choices in life?


Right to Education

Right to Property

Right to Privacy

Right to Life

Correct Answer:

Right to Education


The correct answer is Option 1 - Right to Education

A right like the right to education, for instance, helps to develop our capacity to reason, gives us useful skills and enables us to make informed choices in life.


Another ground on which rights have been claimed is that they are necessary for our well-being. They help individuals to develop their talents and skills. A right like the right to education, for instance, helps to develop our capacity to reason, gives us useful skills and enables us to make informed choices in life. It is in this sense that education can be designated as a universal right. However, if an activity is injurious to our health and well-being it cannot be claimed as a right. For instance, since medical research has shown that prohibited drugs are injurious to one’s health and since they affect our relations with others, we cannot insist that we have a right to inhale or inject drugs or smoke tobacco. In the case of smoking it may even be injurious to the health of people who may be around the smoker. Drugs may not only injure our health but they may also sometimes change our behaviour patterns and make us a danger to other people. In terms of our definition of rights, smoking or taking banned drugs cannot be claimed as a right.