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Target Exam



Business Studies


Business Environment


Following is not a part of Globalisation.


Integration of various economics of the world

Increased level of interaction and interdependence among various nations

No physical geographical gap or political boundaries

Restrictions on import

Correct Answer:

Restrictions on import


The correct answer is option (4) : Restrictions on import

The statement that is not a part of globalization is:

(4) Restrictions on import

Globalization generally involves the reduction of trade barriers and restrictions on imports, making it easier for goods, services, and information to flow across borders. Therefore, restrictions on imports are contrary to the principles of globalization.

Globalization is characterized by increased international trade and economic integration. It is based on the idea of reducing trade barriers, including restrictions on imports. The process of globalization promotes the flow of goods, services, capital, and information across national boundaries, leading to greater economic interdependence and cooperation among nations.

The other options listed (1, 2 and 3) are all consistent with the concept of globalization because they emphasize the integration, interaction, and interdependence among various economics and nations, which are key aspects of the globalization phenomenon. On the other hand, restrictions on imports run counter to the principles of globalization as they impede the free flow of goods across borders.