Practicing Success

Target Exam





Comprehension - (Narrative / Factual)


Read the passage carefully and answer the following questions:

The great sage once had a group of disciples. They were all very bright and eager student, and sage had all the reasons to be proud on them. One day the sage realized that he had imparted enough knowledge to his disciples. Now they were all very learned. There was only one thing the sage had not taught them and that was the special verse that could bring the dead back to life. The sage knew that such knowledge was too wonderful and could prove to be a wise. The sage pondered over this for a very long time. But he also knew that if he did not pass on this secret verse, it could die with him. So, at last he called his cleverest disciple aside and said, “I am going to teach you a very special verse. If you chant this you can bring to life a dead person or animal. Use only when you need it to and never misuse or test your powers vainly.” He then called all the disciples together and said, “I am sending you all into the forest for forty days. Go together and come back together. Each one of you has to guide one another and do good things.”

          So the disciples started out together into the forest. They were all united. But the clever disciple who knew the verse wanted to show that he was better than the others. As they walked into the forest, they came across a dead tiger on the way. It was huge and looked wickedly fierce even when dead. The clever disciple stopped and said to others, “Now I am going to show you what our teacher has taught me alone. He has taught me how to bring back life into the dead.” The others would not believe him and he said, “I would prove it to you by bringing back this tiger back to life.” But the other disciples said, “do not do anything to prove your knowledge vainly. Moreover, if you put life into this tiger, it will only turn on us and kill us all. This will not be a wise thing to do.” But the clever disciple has decided to prove himself and prepared to recite the verse. But before he did so, the other disciples scrambled up to the topmost branches of a big tree nearby. The disciple then recited the magical verse. The tiger slowly began to breathe. “It’s working,” cried the disciple in excitement and joy. The tiger opened its eyes and saw him jumping and shouting in front of him. Roaring loudly, the tiger pounced on the poor disciple and killed him. The other disciples on the tree watched hopelessly as the tiger threw down the dead body of the disciple and went away into the forest. After the sometime disciples came down, took the body and went to the sage. The sage looked at them and said, “Now you see what can happen if you don’t use your learning wisely. Let this be a lesson for you.” With that, the sage uttered the magic verse and brought the dead disciple back to life. The sage then taught the verse to all his disciples and sent them into the world to do good. He was sure that after such a lesson, they would be wiser and use their knowledge and learning only for doing good.  


Why did the sage send all his disciples to the jungle?


Because he realized that he had imparted enough knowledge to them.

To make them realize not to use their learning unwisely.

Because he wanted to get rid of them.

So that, the cleverest disciple could show them the magic of the secret verse.

Correct Answer:

To make them realize not to use their learning unwisely.

