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Target Exam



Political Science


Politics in India Since Independence: Crisis of democratic Order


Who announced that he would go on an indefinite fast if fresh elections were not held in Gujarat when President's rule was imposed in Gujarat in 1974?


Sardar Patel

J.P. Narayan

Morarji Desai

Mahatma Gandhi

Correct Answer:

Morarji Desai


Students’ protests in Gujarat and Bihar, both of which were Congress ruled States, had far reaching impact on the politics of the two States and national politics. In January 1974 students in Gujarat started an agitation against rising prices of food grains, cooking oil and other essential commodities, and against corruption in high places. The students’ protest was joined by major opposition parties and became widespread leading to the imposition of President’s rule in the state. The opposition parties demanded fresh elections to the state legislature. Morarji Desai, a prominent leader of Congress (O), who was the main rival of Indira Gandhi when he was in the Congress, announced that he would go on an indefinite fast if fresh elections were not held in the State. Under intense pressure from students, supported by the opposition political parties, assembly elections were held in Gujarat in June 1975. The Congress was defeated in this election.