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Target Exam



Political Science


Contemporary World Politics: End of Bi-Polarity


Mikhail Gorbachev took on the role of General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union in 1985 and embarked on a series of transformative endeavors. His leadership aimed at modernizing the Soviet system and fostering improved relations with Western nations. Gorbachev also championed efforts to infuse democratic principles and reforms into the Soviet Union's framework. Notable among his reforms were the introduction of the economic and political restructuring policies known as 'Perestroika' and 'glasnost'. He worked to de-escalate the arms race with the United States, exemplified by his willingness to engage in agreements controlling nuclear weaponry. Another significant move was the withdrawal of Soviet forces from Afghanistan and Eastern Europe, signaling a shift towards diplomacy and cooperation. Gorbachev's instrumental role in facilitating the reunification of Germany underscored his commitment to diplomatic solutions. However, his legacy is marked by the criticism that attributes the disintegration of the Soviet Union to his leadership.

Who was the first President of Russia after the disintegration of the USSR?


Mikhail Gorbachev

Leonid Brezhnev

Nikita Khrushchev

Boris Yeltsin

Correct Answer:

Boris Yeltsin


Boris Yeltsin was elected as the first President of Russia after the disintegration of the USSR in 1991.