Practicing Success

Target Exam





Self and Personality


Match List I with List II




 Carl Jung


 Analytical Psychology


 Erich Fromm


 Individual Psychology 


 Alfred Adler


 Basic Anxiety


 Karen Horney 


 Social Orientation

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:


A - I, B - II, C - IV, D - III

A - I, B - IV, C - III, D - II

A - I, B - IV, C - II, D - III

A - IV, B - II, C - I, D - III

Correct Answer:

A - I, B - IV, C - II, D - III


Jung worked with Freud in his early stages of career, but later on he broke away from Freud. Jung saw human beings guided as much by aims and aspirations as by sex and aggression. He developed his own theory of personality, called analytical psychology.

Adler’s theory is known as individual psychology. His basic assumption is that human behaviour is purposeful and goaldirected. Each one of us has the capacity to choose and create. Our personal goals are the sources of our motivation. The goals that provide us with security and help us in overcoming the feelings of inadequacy are important in our personality development. 

Horney adopted a more optimistic view of human life with emphasis on human growth and selfactualisation. Horney’s major contribution lies in her challenge to Freud’s treatment of women as inferior. According to her, each sex has attributes to be admired by the other, and neither sex can be viewed as superior or inferior. She countered that women were more likely to be affected by social and cultural factors than by biological factors. She argued that psychological disorders were caused by disturbed interpersonal relationship during childhood. When parents’ behaviour toward a child is indifferent, discouraging, and erratic, the child feels insecure and a feeling called basic anxiety results. Deep resentment toward parents or basic hostility occurs due to this anxiety.

In contrast to Freud’s biological orientation, Erich Fromm developed his theory from a social orientation. He viewed human beings as basically social beings who could be understood in terms of their relationship with others. He argued that psychological qualities such as growth and realisation of potentials resulted from a desire for freedom, and striving for justice and truth.