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Target Exam



Fine Arts


The Rajasthani Schools of Painting


Which of the following is not a characteristic of Bundi paintings during Umed Singh's reign?


Refinement in minuteness of details.

Deccani aesthetics influence.

Use of monochromatic tones.

Love for bright and vivid colors.

Correct Answer:

Use of monochromatic tones.


Answer: Use of monochromatic tones.
Painting activity in Bundi entered its most accomplished phase albeit for a short time during the long reign of Budh Singh’s son, Umed Singh (1749–1771), where it acquired refinement in minuteness of details. Bundi paintings during the eighteenth century appear to have imbibed Deccani aesthetics, such as love for bright and vivid colours.

Umed Singh’s successor Bishen Singh (1771–1821) ruled Bundi for 48 years and was a connoisseur of art. He had a keen interest in hunting, and him hunting wild animals frequently figures in the paintings of his period. Under his successor Ram Singh (1821–1889), the chitrashalain of the Bundi palace was decorated with mural paintings of royal processions, hunting scenes and episodes of Krishna’s story. Last stages of painting at Bundi are best exemplified by several wall paintings in the palace.