A, B and C divide a certain sum of money among themselves. The average of the amounts with them is ₹4520. Share of A is $10 \frac{2}{3} \%$ more than share of B and $33 \frac{1}{3} \%$ less than share of C. What is the share of B (in ₹) ? |
3500 5976 3600 3984 |
3600 |
Average of amount = $\frac{total\; sum}{3}$ ⇒ $\frac{total\; sum}{3}$ = Rs 4520 ⇒ Total sum = 4520 x 3 = Rs 13560 Share of A = 10$\frac{2}{3}$% more than that of B = 33$\frac{1}{3}$% less than that of C 10$\frac{2}{3}$% = $\frac{8}{75}$ 33$\frac{1}{3}$% = $\frac{1}{3}$ Ratio of amount = B : A : C 75 : 83 : -- -- : 2 : 3 ______________ 75 x 2 : 83 x 2 : 83 x 3 B : A : C = 150 : 166 : 249 According to the question, Total sum = 565R = 13560 ⇒ R = 24 Share of B = 150 x 24 = Rs 3600 |