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Target Exam





Ancient India: Bricks, Beads and Bones


What was the most unique feature of the Harappan civilisation?


Creation of railway track.

Evolution of parliamentary system.

Development of urban centres.

Matriarchal structure of the family.

Correct Answer:

Development of urban centres.


The correct answer is Option (3) → Development of urban centres.

Urban Planning and Architecture:

  • The Harappan cities, such as Mohenjo-daro and Harappa, exhibited advanced urban planning and architecture. Streets were laid out in a grid pattern, and buildings were constructed with standardized bricks.

Sophisticated Drainage Systems:

  • Harappan cities featured sophisticated drainage systems, with well-planned and organized networks of sewers and drains. This reflects a high level of engineering and urban management.

Advanced Harappan Script:

  • The Harappans developed a script that is found on seals and inscriptions. While the script remains undeciphered, its existence suggests a level of literacy and communication in the urban centers.

Economic Specialization:

  • The cities had evidence of economic specialization, with different areas dedicated to specific activities such as manufacturing, residential areas, and public spaces.

Trade and External Contacts:

  • The urban centers were connected to extensive trade networks, with evidence of trade links with regions as far away as Mesopotamia. This indicates a sophisticated economic system.

So, the correct option is [3].