Practicing Success

Target Exam





Physical: Chemical Kinetics


The temperature dependence of rate constant (A) of a chemical reaction is written in terms of the Arrhenius equation, \(=Ae^{-E_a/RT}\) , Activation energy Ea of the reaction can be calculated by plotting:


log k vs Τ–1

log k vs 1/log T

k vs T

k vs 1/log T

Correct Answer:

log k vs Τ–1


The correct answer is option 1. log k vs Τ–1.

To determine the activation energy (Ea) of a chemical reaction using the Arrhenius equation, we can plot the logarithm of the rate constant (k) against the reciprocal of temperature (\(T^{-1}\)).

The Arrhenius equation is given by:

\[ k = A \cdot e^{-\frac{E_a}{RT}} \]

Taking the logarithm (\(\log\)) of both sides of the equation:

\[ \log(k) = \log(A) - \frac{E_a}{RT} \]

We can rearrange the equation as:

\[ \log(k) = -\frac{E_a}{RT} + \log(A) \]

Comparing this equation with the equation of a straight line (\(y = mx + c\)), we can see that the slope of the line is \(-\frac{E_a}{RT}\) and the intercept is \(\log(A)\).

By plotting \(\log(k)\) on the y-axis and \(T^{-1}\) on the x-axis, we obtain a linear relationship with a slope of \(-\frac{E_a}{R}\) and an intercept of \(\log(A)\).

Therefore, the correct option is \((1) \, \log k \, \text{vs} \, T^{-1}\).