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Target Exam





Fundamentals of Human Geography: Human Geography-Nature and Scope


Given below is a case study. Read the same and answer the question given after the case study carefully. (Q-3)
Benda lives in the wilds of the Abujh Maad area of central India. His village consists of three huts deep in the wilds. Not even birds or stray dogs that usually crowd villages can be seen in these areas. Wearing a small loin cloth and armed with his axe he slowly surveys the penda (forest) where his tribe practices a primitive form of agriculture called shifting cultivation. Benda and his friends burn small patches of forest to clear them for cultivation. The ash is used for making the soil fertile. Benda is happy that the Mahua trees around him are in bloom. How lucky I am to be a part of this beautiful universe, he thinks as he looks up to see the Mahua, Palash and Sal trees that have sheltered him since childhood. Crossing the penda in a gliding motion, Benda makes his way to a stream. As he bends down to scoop up a palmful of water, he remembers to thank Loi-Lugi, the spirit of the forest for allowing him to quench his thirst. Moving on with his friends, Benda chews on succulent leaves and roots. The boys have been trying to collect Gajjhara and Kuchla, from the forest. These are special plants that Benda and his people use. He hopes the spirits of the forest will be kind and lead him to these herbs. These are needed to barter in the madhai or tribal fair coming up the next full moon. He closes his eyes and tries hard to recall what the elders had taught him about these herbs and the places they are found in. He wishes he had listened more carefully. Suddenly there is a rustling of leaves. Benda and his friends know it is the outsiders who have come searching for them in the wilds. In a single fluid motion Benda and his friends disappear behind the thick canopy of trees and become one with the spirit of the forest.

Which of the following statement is correct in the context of interaction between humans and the natural environment?

Statement 1: In the early stages of their interaction with their natural environment , humans were greatly influenced by it. They adapted to the dictates of Nature.

Statement 2: Knowledge about Nature is extremely important for humans to develop technology.

Statement 3: The technology loosens the shackles of environment on human beings.


All Statements are Correct.

Only 1 is correct.

Only 1 and 2 is correct

Only 2 and 3 are correct.

Correct Answer:

All Statements are Correct.


All the statements are correct.

In the early stages of their interaction with their natural environment humans were greatly influenced by it (1). They adapted to the dictates of Nature (2). This is so because the level of technology was very low and the stage of human social development was also primitive. This type of interaction between primitive human society and strong forces of nature was termed as environmental determinism. At that stage of very low technological development we can imagine the presence of a naturalised human, who listened to Nature, was afraid of its fury and worshipped it.

Technology indicates the level of cultural development of society. Human beings were able to develop technology after they developed better understanding of natural laws. For example, the understanding of concepts of friction and heat helped us discover fire. Knowledge about Nature is extremely important to develop technology and technology loosens the shackles of environment on human beings. (3)