Practicing Success

Target Exam





Indian Society: Continuity and Change


Read the passage and answer following questions.

Assertions of tribal identity are on the rise. This can be laid at the door of the emergence of a middle class within the tribal society. With the emergence of this class in particular, issues of culture, tradition, livelihood, even control over land and resources, as well as demands for a share in the benefits of the projects of modernity, have become an integral part of the articulation of identity among the tribes. There is, therefore, a new consciousness among tribes now coming from its middle classes. The middle classes themselves are a consequence of modern education and modem occupations, aided in turn by the reservation policies.

How is 'education' impacting the life of tribal communities?


Education is creating an urbanised professional class

Tribal societies are getting more differentiated

The interaction with the mainstream is becoming more pleasant/ favourable for the mainstream

Different bases/reasons are growing for the assertion of tribal identity

Correct Answer:

Education is creating an urbanised professional class


The correct answer is Option (1) → Education is creating an urbanised professional class

A significant development is the gradual emergence of an educated middle class among tribal communities. Most visible in the North-eastern states, this is now a segment beginning to be seen in the rest of the country as well, particularly among members of the larger tribal communities. In conjunction with policies of reservation, education is creating an urbanised professional class. As tribal societies get more differentiated – i.e., develop class and other divisions within themselves – different bases are growing for the assertion of tribal identity.