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Target Exam





Macro Economics: National Income Accounting


Which of the following is true?
a) Income method is calculated based on aggregate of Interest, wage, EBIT and rent income.
b) GVA at basic prices + Net production taxes = GVAMP


Both a and b are true

a is true, b is not

b is true, a is not

Both a and b are false

Correct Answer:

b is true, a is not


The correct answer is Option 4: b is true, a is not

Statement a) is incorrect. The income method for calculating national income is based on summing up compensation of employees, profits of businesses (NOT EBIT), net rental income of landlords, and net interest income. EBIT (Earnings Before Interest and Taxes) is an intermediate calculation used in financial accounting, not directly in the income method for national income.

Statement b) GVA at basic prices + Net production taxes = GVAMP : This is correct.

GVA at basic prices = GVAMP - Net production taxes