Practicing Success

Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge


Who among the following is an Indian professional tennis player?


Shanti Mallick

Ankita Raina

Aditi Chauhan

Bala Devi

Correct Answer:

Ankita Raina


The correct answer is Option (2) - Ankita Raina

Ankita Raina is an Indian professional tennis player who has represented India in various international tennis tournaments. Born on January 11, 1993, in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, Raina started playing tennis at a young age and quickly rose through the ranks to become one of India's top tennis players.

Raina has had a successful career in both singles and doubles competitions. She has won numerous titles on the ITF Circuit and has also represented India in Fed Cup competitions. Her accomplishments include winning several singles and doubles titles on the ITF Circuit, as well as achieving a career-high singles ranking within the top 100 players in the world.

Ankita Raina has been a consistent performer on the international tennis scene, and her achievements have earned her recognition and praise within the Indian tennis community. She continues to compete at a high level, representing India in various tournaments and striving to achieve further success in her tennis career.