Practicing Success

Target Exam





Biodiversity and Conservation


Why has the loss of biodiversity become a pressing global concern?


It leads to the extinction of invasive species.

It negatively impacts climate change mitigation efforts.

It affects the aesthetics of natural landscapes.

It disrupts the balance of ecosystems and essential ecological processes.

Correct Answer:

It disrupts the balance of ecosystems and essential ecological processes.


d) It disrupts the balance of ecosystems and essential ecological processes.


The loss of biodiversity has become a pressing global concern primarily because it disrupts the balance of ecosystems and essential ecological processes. Here's an explanation of why this is a significant issue:

  1. Ecosystem Stability: Biodiversity plays a crucial role in maintaining the stability and resilience of ecosystems. Different species within an ecosystem are interconnected and depend on each other for food, shelter, and other ecological services. When certain species are lost, it can disrupt the delicate balance within the ecosystem, leading to unpredictable and potentially harmful consequences.
  2. Disruption of Food Chains: Each species in an ecosystem occupies a specific role or niche, and they are interlinked in complex food chains and food webs. The loss of a species can have a cascading effect on the entire ecosystem, affecting the abundance and distribution of other species within the food chain.
  3. Loss of Ecosystem Services: Biodiversity provides essential ecosystem services that are vital for human well-being, such as pollination of crops, water purification, climate regulation, and nutrient cycling. The decline in biodiversity can reduce the capacity of ecosystems to provide these services, impacting agriculture, water quality, climate stability, and overall human health.
  4. Reduced Resilience to Environmental Changes: Biodiverse ecosystems are more resilient to environmental changes and disturbances, such as climate change, natural disasters, and invasive species. With reduced biodiversity, ecosystems become more vulnerable to these disruptions, making it challenging for them to recover and adapt to changing conditions.
  5. Economic Impact: The loss of biodiversity can have significant economic implications. Many industries, including agriculture, fisheries, and pharmaceuticals, rely on biodiversity for their products and services. The decline or extinction of key species can affect these industries, leading to economic losses and potential job displacements.
  6. Ethical and Cultural Values: Biodiversity holds intrinsic value, and its loss can raise ethical concerns about our responsibility to protect other living beings and the natural world. Additionally, many cultures and indigenous communities have deep-rooted connections to their local biodiversity, and its loss can impact their cultural heritage and traditional knowledge.

Given these reasons, the loss of biodiversity is a matter of global concern, as it affects not only the natural world but also human societies and economies. Conservation efforts are essential to preserve biodiversity and the integrity of ecosystems for the well-being of present and future generations.