Target Exam





Indian Economic Development: Comparative Development Experiences of India and its Neighbours


Re-arrange the following in chronological order of their occurrence.

(A) Establishment of People's Republic of China.
(B) Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution
(C) First Five Year Plan of Pakistan.
(D) First Five Year Plan of India.
(E) Economic Reforms of Pakistan.

Choose the correct answer from the options given below :


(A), (B), (C), (D), (E)

(A), (C), (D), (B), (E)

(A), (B), (D), (C), (E)

(A), (D), (C), (B), (E)

Correct Answer:

(A), (D), (C), (B), (E)


The correct order of chronological events is: (A), (D), (C), (B), (E)

Here's the reasoning:

  • (A) Establishment of People's Republic of China: This occurred in 1949, marking the beginning of the communist era in China.
  • (D) First Five Year Plan of India: India launched its first five-year plan in 1951, focusing on economic development and infrastructure.
  • (C) First Five Year Plan of Pakistan: Pakistan formulated its first five-year plan in 1956, following a few years after India.
  • (B) Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution: This tumultuous period in China unfolded from 1966 to 1976, significantly impacting the country's social and political landscape.
  • (E) Economic Reforms of Pakistan: Pakistan initiated its economic reforms program in the late 1988, aiming to liberalize the economy and promote growth.