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Business Arithmetic

What is the correct meaning of Economic Order Quantity?
It is the order quantity of inventory that minimizes the total cost of inventory management.
It is the order quantity which maximises the profit.
It is the order quantity which can be sold within a short period of time.
All of the above
Correct Answer:
It is the order quantity of inventory that minimizes the total cost of inventory management.
Economic order quantity: Economic order quantity (EOQ) is the order quantity of inventory that minimizes the total cost of inventory management.
Recorder point: The reorder point ("ROP") is the level of inventory when an order should be made with suppliers to bring the inventory up by the Economic order quantity ("EOQ").
Carrying cost: In marketing, carrying cost refers to the total cost of holding inventory. This includes warehousing costs such as rent, utilities and salaries, financial costs such as opportunity cost, and inventory costs related to perishability, pilferage, shrinkage and insurance.