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Target Exam





Ancient India: Kinship, Caste and Class


Which of the following is/are true about the Dharamsutras and Dharmashastras ?


These laid down the ideal order of Varna system.

These also contained rules about the ideal occupations of the four categories or varna.

Positions within the order were supposedly determined by birth but these could be changed with the approval of Kings on the advice of Brahmanas.

Both 1 and 2

Correct Answer:

Both 1 and 2


The ideal order was laid down in the Dharmasutras and Dharmashastras. Brahmanas claimed that this order, in which they were ranked first, was divinely ordained, while placing groups classified as Shudras and “untouchables” at the very bottom of the social order.The Dharmasutras and Dharmashastras also contained rules about the ideal “occupations” of the four categories or varnas. Positions within the order were supposedly determined by birth.

So option 3 is incorrect.