Practicing Success

Target Exam





Physical: Electro Chemistry


Assertion: In the absence of salt bridge, the current would have stopped flowing due to accumulation of opposite charges in the two half cells.

Reason: The function of salt bridge is to complete the circuit.


Assertion and Reason both are correct statements and reason is the correct explanation for assertion.

Assertion and Reason both are correct statements and reason is not the correct explanation for assertion.

Assertion is correct statement but reason is wrong statement.

Assertion is wrong statement but reason is correct statement.

Correct Answer:

Assertion and Reason both are correct statements and reason is the correct explanation for assertion.


The functions of salt bridge are

(i) To complete the circuit.

(ii) To maintain electrical neutrality in the solutions of both the half-cells.

(iii) To prevent intermixing of the solutions of both the half cells.