Practicing Success

Target Exam



Political Science




Under what condition is the right to protest guaranteed to citizens?


It must be organized by the government

It should not harm the life or property of other people or the State

It must take place outside urban areas

It should be funded by the State

Correct Answer:

It should not harm the life or property of other people or the State


The correct answer is Option 2 - It should not harm the life or property of other people or the State

The right to protest is guaranteed provided the protest does not harm the life or property of other people or the State.

The right to protest is an aspect of the freedom of expression guaranteed to citizens in our Constitution, provided protest does not harm the life or property of other people or the State. Citizens are free to try and influence public opinion and government policy by forming groups, holding demonstrations, using the media, appealing to political parties, or by approaching the courts. The courts may give a decision on the matter, or they may urge the government to address the issue. It may be a slow process but varying degrees of success are sometimes possible. If the guiding principle of providing full and equal membership to all citizens is kept in mind, it should be possible to arrive at an acceptable solution to the problems that may arise from time to time in a society. A basic principle of democracy is that such disputes should be settled by negotiation and discussion rather than force. This is one of the obligations of citizenship.