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Target Exam



Political Science


Contemporary World Politics: US Hegemony in World Politics


Who was the King of France in 1660 when it was considered to be an unchallenged nation?


Louis Phillipe

Louis XIV

King Wilhelm IV

King Wilhelm II

Correct Answer:

Louis XIV


History also tells us that although at its height hegemony seems formidable, it does not last forever. On the contrary, the balance of power politics over time reduces the relative power of the hegemon. In 1660, France under Louis XIV was unchallenged; by 1713, England, Habsburg Austria and Russia were contesting French power. In 1860, the high noon of the Victorian period, Pax Britannica looked secure forever. By 1910, it was clear that Germany, Japan and the US had emerged as contenders to British power. Thus, twenty years from now, another great power, or maybe a coalition of great powers could well emerge just as US capabilities are declining in relative terms.