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Target Exam





Electromagnetic Waves


A plane Electromagnetic Waves travelling along the X-direction has a wavelength of 3 mm. The variation in the electric field occurs in the Y-direction with an amplitude 66 Vm-1. The equations for the electric and magnetic fields as a function of x and t are respectively 


$E_y = 33\, cos \,\pi × 10^{11} ( t - \frac{x}{c})$

$B_z= 1.1 × 10^{-7} cos \pi × 10^{11} ( t - \frac{x}{c})$

$E_y = 11\, cos\, 2\,\pi × 10^{11} ( t - \frac{x}{c})$

$B_y= 11 × 10^{-7} cos 2\pi × 10^{11} ( t - \frac{x}{c})$

$E_x = 33\, cos \,\pi × 10^{11} ( t - \frac{x}{c})$

$B_x= 11 × 10^{-7} cos \pi × 10^{11} ( t - \frac{x}{c})$

$E_y = 66\, cos \,2\pi × 10^{11} ( t - \frac{x}{c})$

$B_z= 2.2 × 10^{-7} cos \,2\pi × 10^{11} ( t - \frac{x}{c})$

Correct Answer:

$E_y = 66\, cos \,2\pi × 10^{11} ( t - \frac{x}{c})$

$B_z= 2.2 × 10^{-7} cos \,2\pi × 10^{11} ( t - \frac{x}{c})$


The equation of electric field occurring in Y- direction

$E_y = 66\, cos 2\pi × 10^{11} ( t - \frac{x}{c})$

Therefore, for the magnetic field in Z-direction

$B_z = \frac{E_y}{c}$

$=(\frac{66}{3×10^8}) cos 2 \pi × 10^{11} ( t - \frac{x}{c})$

$=22 × 10^{-8} cos 2\pi × 10^{11} ( t - \frac{x}{c})$

$=22 × 10^{-7} cos 2\pi × 10^{11} ( t - \frac{x}{c})$