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Target Exam





Self and Personality


Psychodynamic theories, including Freud's, have faced criticism for overlooking female experiences and perspectives. This criticism is primarily related to the:


Lack of scientific testing

Use of atypical individuals as samples

Male-Centric Perspective

All of the above

Correct Answer:

Male-Centric Perspective


Psychodynamic theories have faced significant criticisms from various perspectives. The major criticisms can be summarized as follows:

Lack of Scientific Basis: Critics argue that psychodynamic theories heavily rely on case studies and lack a rigorous scientific foundation. The theories may lack empirical evidence and rely on subjective interpretations.

Limited and Atypical Samples: Some critics argue that psychodynamic theories often draw conclusions based on small and atypical samples, which may not accurately represent the general population. This raises concerns about the generalizability of their findings.

Vague and Unverifiable Concepts: Critics contend that the concepts used in psychodynamic theories are often ill-defined and difficult to test scientifically. The lack of clear operational definitions makes it challenging to subject these concepts to empirical testing.

Male-Centric Perspective: Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis, has been criticized for primarily focusing on male experiences and perspectives. This overlooks the unique experiences and perspectives of women, potentially limiting the applicability of his theories to understanding human personality development as a whole.