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Target Exam





Physical: Electro Chemistry


Which of the following statement is not correct?


In a galvanic cell, energy changes occur as chemical energy into electrical energy

In a voltaic cell, electrical energy is produced due to an oxidation-reduction reaction

In a Daniel cell, the passage of electricity occurs from Cu to zinc inside the cell

In an electrochemical cell, the electrons flow from the anode to cathode

Correct Answer:

In a Daniel cell, the passage of electricity occurs from Cu to zinc inside the cell


The correct answer is option 3. In a Daniel cell, the passage of electricity occurs from Cu to zinc inside the cell.

Let us break down each statement and provide an explanation for each:

1. In a galvanic cell, energy changes occur as chemical energy into electrical energy:

In a galvanic cell, also known as a voltaic cell, chemical energy is converted into electrical energy through a spontaneous redox reaction. This reaction occurs at the interface between the two half-cells, where oxidation takes place at the anode and reduction occurs at the cathode. The flow of electrons through an external circuit generates an electric current, allowing for the conversion of chemical energy into usable electrical energy.

2. In a voltaic cell, electrical energy is produced due to an oxidation-reduction reaction:

A voltaic cell, which is another term for a galvanic cell, produces electrical energy as a result of an oxidation-reduction (redox) reaction. In this type of cell, oxidation occurs at the anode, where electrons are released from the reducing agent, and reduction occurs at the cathode, where electrons are gained by the oxidizing agent. The spontaneous nature of this redox reaction drives the flow of electrons and generates electrical energy.

3. In a Daniel cell, the passage of electricity occurs from Cu to zinc inside the cell:

This statement is incorrect. In a Daniel cell, such as the commonly known Daniell cell, the passage of electricity occurs from the zinc electrode (anode) to the copper electrode (cathode) inside the cell. During the operation of the cell, zinc undergoes oxidation at the anode, releasing electrons, which flow through the external circuit to the copper cathode, where reduction occurs. This flow of electrons from anode to cathode constitutes the electrical current.

4. In an electrochemical cell, the electrons flow from the anode to cathode:

This statement is true. In an electrochemical cell, whether it is a galvanic (voltaic) cell or an electrolytic cell, electrons flow from the anode to the cathode. At the anode, oxidation occurs, leading to the release of electrons, while at the cathode, reduction occurs, resulting in the acceptance of electrons. The flow of electrons from anode to cathode constitutes the electrical current in the cell.

The incorrect statement is : In a Daniel cell, the passage of electricity occurs from Cu to zinc inside the cell. The correct direction of electron flow in a Daniel cell is from zinc to copper.