Practicing Success

Target Exam





Attitudes and Social Cognition

The relationship between attitude and behavior is complex yet intertwined. Attitude refers to a person's evaluation and beliefs about an object, person, or situation, while behavior represents their actions and conduct. Attitudes often serve as predictors of behavior, as they shape our thoughts and emotions, influencing our subsequent actions. However, it is important to note that attitudes do not always directly translate into behavior. Various factors such as situational constraints, social norms, and individual differences can mediate this relationship. Additionally, inconsistency between attitude and behavior can arise due to cognitive dissonance or the influence of external pressures. Nevertheless, attitudes can still exert a significant impact on behavior, especially when they are strong, accessible, and aligned with personal values. Understanding this dynamic relationship allows for a better comprehension of human actions and facilitates efforts to bridge the gap between attitudes and desired behaviors.

Which of the following statement (s) is/are correct?

Statement 1: Festinger and Carlsmith conducted an experiment which proved attitudes can influence behaviour.

Statement 2: Awareness of one's own attitude can contribute to consistency between attitudes and behavior.


Only Statement 1 is correct.

Only Statement 2 is correct.

Both statements are correct.

None of the given statement is correct.

Correct Answer:

Only Statement 2 is correct.


There are instances where behavior can influence attitudes. Festinger and Carlsmith conducted an experiment where students were paid only one dollar to convince others that a particular experiment was interesting. Interestingly, the students ended up developing a positive attitude towards the experiment based on their behavior, reasoning that they wouldn't have lied for such a small amount of money if the experiment wasn't genuinely interesting.

Psychologists have identified factors that contribute to consistency between attitudes and behavior. These include:

  1. The strength and centrality of the attitude within the individual's attitude system.
  2. Awareness of one's own attitude.
  3. Minimal or no external pressure to conform to specific behaviors, such as the absence of group norms.
  4. The absence of scrutiny or evaluation from others regarding the behaviour.
  5. The belief that the behavior will lead to positive consequences, thus intending to engage in that behavior.