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Target Exam



Business Studies


International Business


Which of the following is a form of business operations that constitute international business?


Merchandise and services exports and imports

Licensing and franchising

Foreign investments

All of these

Correct Answer:

All of these


The correct answer is option 4- All of these.

Manufacturing and trade beyond the boundaries of one’s own country is known as international business. Major forms of business operations that constitute international business are as follows:

(i) Merchandise exports and imports: Merchandise means goods that are tangible, i.e., those that can be seen and touched. When viewed from this perceptive, it is clear that while merchandise exports means sending tangible goods abroad, merchandise imports means bringing tangible goods from a foreign country to one’s own country. Merchandise exports and imports, also known as trade in goods, include only tangible goods and exclude trade in services.

(ii) Service exports and imports: Service exports and imports involve trade in intangibles. It is because of the intangible aspect of services that trade in services is also known as invisible trade. A wide variety of services are traded internationally and these include: tourism and travel, boarding and lodging (hotel and restaurants), entertainment and recreation, transportation, professional services (such as training, recruitment, consultancy and research), communication (postal, telephone, fax, courier and other audio-visual services), construction and engineering, marketing (e.g., wholesaling, retailing, advertising, marketing research and warehousing), educational and financial services (such as banking and insurance). Of these, tourism, transportation and business services are major constituents of world trade in services.

(iii) Licensing and franchising: Permitting another party in a foreign country to produce and sell goods under your trademarks, patents or copy rights in lieu of some fee is another way of entering into international business. It is under the licensing system that Pepsi and Coca Cola are produced and sold all over the world by local bottlers in foreign countries. Franchising is similar to licensing, but it is a term used in connection with the provision of services. McDonalds, for instance, operates fast food restaurants the world over through its franchising system.

(iv) Foreign investments: Foreign investment is another important form of international business. Foreign investment involves investments of funds abroad in exchange for financial return. Foreign investment can be of two types: direct and portfolio investments. Direct investment takes place when a company directly invests in properties such as plant and machinery in foreign countries with a view to undertaking production and marketing of goods and services in those countries.  A portfolio investment, on the other hand, is an investment that a company makes into another company by the way of acquiring shares or providing loans to the latter, and earns income by way of dividends or interest on loans.