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Target Exam





Indian Society: Continuity and Change


On the basis of residence, family can be


Nuclear and joint

Patrilocal and matrilocal

Patrilocal and matriarchical

Patrilineal and matrilineal

Correct Answer:

Patrilocal and matrilocal


The correct answer is Option (2) → Patrilocal and matrilocal

  • Nuclear and joint: These terms describe the structure of a family, not their residence pattern. A nuclear family has parents and their children, while a joint family includes multiple generations living together.
  • Patrilocal and matrilocal: These terms refer to the residence pattern after marriage. In a patrilocal family, the couple resides with or near the husband's family, while in a matrilocal family, they reside with or near the wife's family.
  • Patrilocal and matriarchical: This combination is incorrect. Patrilocal refers to residence, while matriarchal refers to authority structure, where the mother or eldest female holds the most power.
  • Patrilineal and matrilineal: These terms describe descent, not residence. Patrilineal refers to tracing lineage through the father's side, while matrilineal refers to tracing lineage through the mother's side.