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Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants


What are the two parts of a typical stamen?


Filament and anther

Petal and thalamus

Epidermis and endothecium

Tapetum and middle layers

Correct Answer:

Filament and anther


The correct answer is Option (1) - Filament and anther

A typical stamen consists of two main parts: the filament and the anther.

Filament:  The filament is a long and slender stalk-like structure that supports the anther. It is usually thin and flexible. The proximal end of the filament is attached to the thalamus or the petal of the flower. It provides structural support to the anther, positioning it in a suitable location for pollination.

Anther:  The anther is the terminal structure of the stamen and is generally bilobed. Each lobe of the anther has two theca, making it dithecous. The theca are pollen sacs that contain the pollen grains. The anther is responsible for the production and release of pollen, which contains the male gametes. It plays a crucial role in the reproductive process of flowering plants.

The arrangement and size of the stamens can vary among different species of plants. By collecting stamens from different flowers and observing them under a dissecting microscope, one can appreciate the variation in size, shape, and attachment of anthers in different flowers.