Practicing Success

Target Exam



Business Studies




Answer question based on following case study.

Mr. Raj is a fresh graduate in Human Resource Management from a top Business School. After completing his graduation, an Indian based MNC has recruited him as an HR Manager. Now the company is planning to expand its area of operation and for the same requires to recruit another 200 management trainees. Mr. Raj is a highly dedicated and efficient manager, he is assigned to recruit these management trainees by the Head of the HR Department. He is also asked to assign task to them in addition to their recruitment and selection.

Raj can use following off the job training methods for newly required employees except :


Class room lecture

Case study

Vestibule training

Job rotation

Correct Answer:

Job rotation


The correct answer is Option (4) - Job rotation

Training is any process by which the aptitudes, skills and abilities of employees to perform specific jobs are increased. There are various methods of training. These are broadly categorised into two groups: On-the-Job and Off-the-Job methods.

On the Job Methods (i) Apprenticeship Programs (ii) Coaching (iii) Internship Training (iv) Job Rotation

Off the Job Methods (i) Class Room Lectures/Conferences (ii) Films (iii) Case Study (iv) Computer Modelling (v) Vestibule Training (vi) Programmed Instruction.

* Job Rotation involves shifting the trainee from one department to another or from one job to another. This enables the trainee to gain a broader understanding of all parts of the business and how the organisation as a whole functions. The trainee gets fully involved in the departments operations and also gets a chance to test her own aptitude and ability. Job rotation allows trainees to interact with other employees facilitating future cooperation among departments. When employees are trained by this method, the organisation finds it easier at the time of promotions, replacements or transfers.