Practicing Success

Target Exam





Fill Blanks


Select the most appropriate option to fill in the blanks.

In order to promote __________ culture and tradition, the government has decided to take up this new ___________ even though it would cost them a/an _________ amount of money and resources.


inordinate; itinerary; insignificant

indigenous; initiative; substantial

ingenuous; integration; minuscule

innocuous; formulation; brilliant

Correct Answer:

indigenous; initiative; substantial


The correct option to fill in the blanks is indigenous; initiative; substantial.

The sentence is about the government's decision to take up a new initiative to promote indigenous culture and tradition. The word "indigenous" means native to a particular place or country. The word "initiative" means a new project or plan. The word "substantial" means large or significant.

In this context, the government is taking up a new initiative to promote indigenous culture and tradition, even though it would cost them a substantial amount of money and resources. This shows that the government is committed to preserving and promoting indigenous culture and tradition, even if it is not easy or inexpensive to do so.

The other options are not as appropriate.

  • Inordinate means excessive or too much. This is not the right word to describe the government's initiative, as it is not excessive or too much.
  • Itinerary means a planned route or schedule of travel. This is not the right word to describe the government's initiative, as it is not a planned route or schedule of travel.
  • Insignificant means unimportant or of little value. This is not the right word to describe the government's initiative, as it is important and valuable.
  • Ingenuous means simple or naive. This is not the right word to describe the government's initiative, as it is not simple or naive.
  • Innocuous means harmless or not harmful. This is not the right word to describe the government's initiative, as it is not harmless or not harmful.