Practicing Success

Target Exam





Arrange in Meaningful Sequence


Examine the four jumbled sentences. Out of the given options, pick the one that gives their correct order.

A. They have even succeeded in heart transplants.

B. Now-a-days surgeons are able to stop a patient’s heart and carry out complicated operations.

C. A few years ago it was impossible to operate on a patient whose heart was not working properly.

D. The heart is the pump of life and If the heart stops we die in about five minutes.






Correct Answer:



The correct answer is Option (1) - DCBA

The correct order is: DCBA. Here's the breakdown:

D. The heart is the pump of life and If the heart stops we die in about five minutes. This establishes the critical role of the heart and the consequence of its stoppage.

C. A few years ago it was impossible to operate on a patient whose heart was not working properly. This introduces the past limitation in surgery due to a non-functioning heart, building on the previous point.

B. Now-a-days surgeons are able to stop a patient’s heart and carry out complicated operations. This presents the advancement in surgery, allowing operations despite a stopped heart.

A. They have even succeeded in heart transplants. This showcases the most advanced achievement in heart surgery, going beyond just stopping it for operations.

This order flows logically from the basic function of the heart to the historical limitations of surgery, the current ability to operate on stopped hearts, and finally, the most complex feat of heart transplants.