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Target Exam



Political Science


Politics in India Since Independence: Recent Developments in Indian Politics


Match the following personalities in List 1 with the description in List 2:

List 1 (Personalities) List 2 (Description)
(i) Shah Bano Case (a) Originator of Hindutva
(ii) Rajiv Gandhi (b) Introduced New Economic Policy
(iii) Manmohan Singh (c) Belongs to Triple Talaq and maintenance.
(iv) V.D. Savarkar (d) Assassinated by LTTE 

(i)–(d), (ii)–(c), (iii)–(b), (iv)–(a)

(i)–(c), (ii)–(d), (iii)–(b), (iv)–(a)

(i)–(c), (ii)–(d), (iii)–(a), (iv)–(b)

(i)–(c), (ii)–(b), (iii)–(d), (iv)–(a)

Correct Answer:

(i)–(c), (ii)–(d), (iii)–(b), (iv)–(a)


Shah Bano case of 1985- In this case, a 62-year-old divorced Muslim woman filed a maintenance claim against her former husband. The Supreme Court ruled in her favor. This judgment was perceived as an intrusion into Muslim Personal Law by orthodox Muslims. Following the demand of certain Muslim leaders, the government introduced the Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Divorce) Act, 1986, which effectively nullified the Supreme Court's verdict.

The demise of Rajiv Gandhi in May 1991 brought about a shift in the leadership of the Congress party. His assassination occurred during an election campaign tour in Tamil Nadu and was attributed to a Sri Lankan Tamil associated with the LTTE.

Finance Minister when the New Economic Policy was introduced was Manmohan Singh.

Hindutva literally means ‘Hinduness’ and was defined by its originator, V. D. Savarkar, as the basis of Indian (in his language also Hindu) nationhood.