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Political Science


Politics in India Since Independence: India's External Relations


During the 1970s, a significant milestone was India's inaugural nuclear explosion in May 1974. Embracing science and technology for modernization, Nehru initiated a nuclear program in the late 1940s led by Homi J. Bhabha, aiming to generate atomic energy for peaceful purposes. Despite advocating nuclear disarmament, global nuclear arsenals increased. After China's 1964 nuclear tests, the five nuclear powers attempted to impose the 1968 Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty (NPT) on the world, which India deemed discriminatory and rejected. India's first nuclear test was labeled a "peaceful explosion," highlighting its commitment to peaceful nuclear power use. Amid domestic challenges caused by global events like the Arab-Israel War and oil shocks, Indian politics displayed consensus on national integration and foreign policy, despite minor differences among parties.

Which country's nuclear tests prompted the major world powers to propose the NPT in 1968?



North Korea



Correct Answer:



Another pivotal milestone during this era was India's inaugural nuclear explosion in May 1974. This event marked a significant advancement in India's pursuit of scientific and technological progress to propel the nation forward. This pursuit was consistently championed by Jawaharlal Nehru, who envisioned a modernized India driven by scientific innovation. A critical facet of his industrialization vision was the establishment of a nuclear program, a venture that took root in the late 1940s under the guidance of Homi J. Bhabha. India's primary objective was the harnessing of atomic energy for constructive and peaceful ends. Nehru held steadfastly against the development of nuclear weapons and instead advocated for global nuclear disarmament, even imploring the major world powers to engage in such efforts.

Regrettably, despite Nehru's appeals, the international nuclear arms stockpile continued to expand. The dynamic shifted when Communist China conducted its own nuclear tests in October 1964. This prompted the five established nuclear powers – the United States, Soviet Union, United Kingdom, France, and China (with Taiwan representing China at the time) – all of which also held the status of Permanent Members within the UN Security Council – to propose the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty (NPT) of 1968 as a binding agreement for the global community. However, India viewed the NPT as inherently biased and discriminatory and thus declined to ratify it.