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Target Exam



Legal Studies



The Constitution of India is federal in character because:
The head of the State (President) is elected by the electoral college consisting of the elected members of both the Houses of Parliament and elected members of Legislative Assemblies of the States
The Governors of the States are appointed by the president and they hold office during the pleasure of the president
There is distribution of powers between the Union and the States
All of the above
Correct Answer:
There is distribution of powers between the Union and the States
Another related concept is the doctrine of division of powers between the federal or centre and states or provinces. Federal government has law making powers different than that of states or provinces. For example, the subject matters on national defense and foreign affairs often fall with the federal government, and matters of prisons and direct taxes may fall with the state or provincial governments. The doctrine of division of powers stipulates and delimits subject matters or items on which the federal government and provincial/state governments have powers to make laws. The scheme may also involve common items on which both governments may have powers to make laws. Courts have judicial review powers to declare any law as unconstitutional if it is enacted by breaching the demarcation.