Practicing Success

Target Exam





Current Electricity


With your understanding of concept of Inductance, answer the questions. An electric current can be induced in a coil by flux change produced by another coil in its vicinity or flux change produced by the same coil. The flux through a coil is proportional to the current i.e $\phi_{\beta} ∝I$ . If the geometry of the coil does not vary with tune $\frac{d\phi }{dt}∝\frac{dI}{dt}$. For a closely wound coil of N turns, the same magnetic flux. is linked with all turns: i.e $N \phi_{\beta} ∝ I$. The constant of proportionality is called inductance which depends on geometry of coil and dielectric constant of intervining medium. Mutual inductance of a pain of coil solenoids, etc depends on their separation and relative orientation self inductance of single coil or solenoid depends on geometry of the coil and  permeability of the medium. If plays role of inertia.

Mutual inductance between two perfectly coupled coils is 0.005H. If the instantaneous current in one of the coils is I = 10sin100$\pi $t, then the peak value of induced emf in the second coil will be


10 V

5 V

$10 \pi V$

$5 \pi V$

Correct Answer:

$5 \pi V$


The correct answer is option (4) : $5 \pi V$

$⇒\phi = Mi$

$⇒ε= -M\frac{di}{dt}, i=10sin (100\pi t)$

$⇒\frac{di}{dt}=1000\pi cos (100\pi t)$

$⇒ε=-0.005\times 100\times \pi cos (100\pi t)$

$|ε_{max}|=\frac{5}{1000}\times 1000\times \pi \times 1 $ as max value of cos $\theta $ is one

$⇒|ε_{max}|=5\pi V$