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Target Exam



Political Science


Politics in India Since Independence: Regional Aspirations


Which statement is not accurate in reference to Jammu and Kashmir?


The Jammu region is mainly inhabited by Muslims.

Jammu and Kashmir's special status was outlined in Article 370 of the Indian Constitution.

Despite its special status, Jammu and Kashmir encountered violence, cross-border terrorism, and political instability.

None of the above

Correct Answer:

The Jammu region is mainly inhabited by Muslims.


The incorrect statement is option 1 because the Jammu region is predominantly inhabited by Hindus.

Under Article 370 of the Indian Constitution, Jammu and Kashmir enjoyed a distinctive status. However, this unique status did not shield the region from challenges. Despite its special status, Jammu and Kashmir encountered a turbulent mix of violence, cross-border terrorism, and political instability. These internal and external factors had far-reaching consequences.

The geographical expanse of Jammu and Kashmir encompasses three distinct social and political segments: Jammu, Kashmir, and Ladakh. The Jammu region is a blend of low foothills and plains, serving as the primary habitat for Hindus. Although predominantly Hindu, the region also hosts a diverse population of Muslims, Sikhs, and individuals from various backgrounds.

The Kashmir region is primarily characterized by the iconic Kashmir valley. The valley is chiefly inhabited by Kashmiri Muslims, while other communities such as Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, and others also form a minority presence.

Conversely, the Ladakh region is mainly marked by its mountainous terrain. It harbors a relatively small population, which is nearly evenly divided between Buddhists and Muslims.