Practicing Success

Target Exam





Social Change and Development in India: Change and Development in industrial Society


The features of scientific management are as follows.

A. All work is broken down into its smallest repetitive elements and divided between managers

B. Worker are timed using a stop watch

C. Meeting targets is a necessity

D. Conveyor belts helped to assemble only one part of the final product

E. Just in time delivery added efficiency to the process

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:


A, B, C only

B, C, D only

A, C, D only

C, D, E only

Correct Answer:

B, C, D only


Statement A is wrong.

Statement E is not related to Scientific Management of Taylor.

Another way of increasing output is by organising work. An American called Frederick Winslow Taylor invented a new system in the 1890s, which he called ‘Scientific Management’. It is also known as Taylorism or industrial engineering. Under his system, all work was broken down into its smallest repetitive elements, and divided between workers(A). Workers were timed with the help of stopwatches (B) and had to fulfil a certain target every day (C). Production was further speeded up by the introduction of the assembly line. Each worker sat along a conveyor belt and assembled only one part of the final product. The speed of work could be set by adjusting the speed of the conveyor belt. In the 1980s, there was an attempt to shift from this system of direct control to indirect control, where workers are supposed to motivate and monitor themselves.