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Fine Arts


The Rajasthani Schools of Painting


How many sticks are being used by the Polo players in the Rajasthan Miniature Painting "Chaugan Players"?


One Polo Sticks

Four Polo Sticks

Nine Polo Sticks

Six Polo Sticks

Correct Answer:

Six Polo Sticks


The correct answer is option - Six Polo Sticks

Chaugan Players: The painting, depicts a princess playing Polo (Chaugan) with companions, by artist Dana represents Jodhpur painting of Man Singh’s reign. It may or may not be from the main court as it betrays stylistic influence of many schools, such as Mughal in the way women are depicted, Deccani in the way horses are depicted, Bundi and Kishangarh in the depiction of facial features, and the flat green background is suggestive of the indigenous preference for flat surfaces. The painting is inscribed with a line on the upper portion that is translated as, “beautiful maidens on horsebacks, playing”. The painting was made in 1810 and is in the collection of National Museum, New Delhi.