Practicing Success

Target Exam





Attitudes and Social Cognition


Amita is a student council member of her school who takes her commitment towards environmental preservation very seriously. She organises various plantation drives and also is in charge of the school recycle plant. She gets very upset and sad when she sees people wasting or misusing paper or cutting trees. Her parents are also famous environmentalists who campaigned for a ban of plastics in the hill areas, They always praised and motivated Amrita to continue to be a pro-environment person.

Identify the affective component of Amita's attitude towards environment.


Upset and Sad

School recycle plant

Commitment towards environment

Praise and motivation

Correct Answer:

Upset and Sad


The correct answer is Upset and Sad.

The affective component of an attitude refers to the emotions and feelings that a person has towards an object or issue. In this case, Amita's feelings of upset and sadness when she sees people wasting or misusing paper or cutting trees are an indication of her affective component towards the environment.

The other options are not as appropriate:

  • School recycle plant is an example of Amita's behavioral component, as it refers to her actions in support of environmental protection.
  • Commitment towards environment is a more general description of Amita's attitude, but it does not specifically identify the emotions and feelings that she has towards the environment.
  • Praise and motivation are external factors that may have influenced Amita's attitude, but they are not directly related to her affective component.