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Target Exam





Reproductive Health


Which of the following is a cause of population explosion in India?


Decline MMR.

Decreased IMR .

Better health care .

All of these .

Correct Answer:

All of these .


The correct answer is Option (4)- All of these

Several factors have contributed to the population explosion in India:

  1. Decline in Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR): A decrease in maternal mortality rate means a higher number of women surviving childbirth. Improved healthcare, access to medical facilities, better prenatal care, and reduced complications during childbirth contribute to the decline in MMR. This, in turn, leads to higher population growth due to the increased survival of women of reproductive age.
  2. Decreased Infant Mortality Rate (IMR): Reduced infant mortality rates mean more infants surviving beyond the early stages of life. Improvements in healthcare, vaccination programs, sanitation, access to clean water, and better nutrition have helped decrease infant mortality. Lower IMR contributes to population growth as more children survive into adulthood.
  3. Better healthcare: Improved healthcare facilities, advancements in medical technology, increased access to healthcare services, and better disease management have collectively led to longer life expectancy and decreased mortality rates across different age groups. This improvement in healthcare has contributed to a larger population size by reducing deaths and prolonging the average lifespan.

The combination of declining mortality rates (both maternal and infant), along with improved healthcare services, has contributed significantly to India's population explosion by increasing overall population size due to more individuals surviving into adulthood and beyond.

Therefore, all of these factors, including the decline in MMR, decreased IMR, and better healthcare, collectively contribute to the population explosion observed in India.