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Target Exam





Modern India: Mahatma Gandhi and the Nationalist movement


Read the passage and answer the questions:

This is how a Hindi newspaper in Gorakhpur reported the atmosphere during his speeches:

At Bhatni, Gandhiji addressed the local public and then the train started for Gorakhpur. There were not less than 15,000 to 20,000 people at Nunkhar, Deoria, Gauri Bazar, Chauri Chaura and Kusmhi (stations)... Mahatmaji was very pleased to witness the scene at Kusmhi, as despite the fact that the station is in the muddle of a jungle there were not less than 10,000 people here. Some, overcome with their love were seen to be crying. At Deoria, people wanted to give bhent (donations) to Gandhiji, but he asked them to give theses at Gorakhpur. But at Chauri Chaura, one Marwari gentleman managed to hand over something to him. Then there was no stopping. A sheet was spread and currency notes and coins started raining. It was a sight... Outside the Gorakhpur station the Mahatma was stood on a high carriage and people had a good darshan of him for a couple of minutes.

According to the report in this newspaper, Mahatma Gandhi was visiting which region of the country to organize the masses?




North-Western Frontier

Northern-Indian and East-Indian region

Correct Answer:

Northern-Indian and East-Indian region


The correct answer is Option (4) → Northern-Indian and East-Indian region