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Target Exam





Indian Economic Development: Comparative Development Experiences of India and its Neighbours


Some selected indicators of Human Development, 2016-2017

Item Indian China Pakistan
 Human development Index (value)  0.640 0.752  0.562
 Rank (based on HDI)  130  86  150
 Life Expectancy at Birth (years)  68.8  76.4  66.6
 Means years of Schooling (% aged 5 and above)  6.4  7.8  8.6
 GDP per capita (PPP US$)  6,427  15,309  5,035
 People below poverty line( at $3.20 a day PPP) (%) (2011)  60.4  23.5  46.4
 Infant Mortality Rate (per 1000 live births)  34.6  8.5  64.2
 Maternal Mortality Rate (per 1 lakh births)  174  27  178
 Population using Improved Sanitation (%)  44.2  75  58.3
 Population with sustainable access to improved water source (%)  94  96  91
 Percentage of Undernourished Children  37.9  8.1 46.4

Identify the incorrect statement :


India has the lower share of poor in comparison to Pakistan

All three nations have reported providing improved drinking water sources for most of its population

Pakistan is ahead of Indian in reducing proportion of people below the poverty line

China is ahead of both India and Pakistan on income indicators

Correct Answer:

India has the lower share of poor in comparison to Pakistan


The correct answer is option (1) : India has the lower share of poor in comparison to Pakistan

Option 1: India has the lower share of poor in comparison to Pakistan : Incorrect. India has a high share (60.4) of the population living below the poverty line compared to Pakistan (46.4).

Option 2: All three nations have reported providing improved drinking water sources for most of its population. Correct (Refer NCERT).

Option 3: Pakistan is ahead of Indian in reducing proportion of people below the poverty line : Correct. Pakistan is ahead of India in reducing proportion of people below the poverty line and also its performance in sanitation. (NCERT)

Option 4: China is ahead of both India and Pakistan on income indicators. Correct. The table shows that China is moving ahead of India and Pakistan. This is true for many indicators — income indicator such as GDP per capita, or proportion of population below poverty line or health indicators such as mortality rates, access to sanitation, literacy, life expectancy or malnourishment.