Practicing Success

Target Exam



Business Studies




Read the following case study and attempt questions

Mr. Rahul, a management graduate, is working in the XYZ Rubber Ltd. for the last 10 years. His performance is always consistent and many times he received 'Best Employee Award from the management. But in the last two years, it is observed that his performance is gradually getting low. The department tried to identify his reasons for low performance but did not get much information from him. But in recent months some employees had shown disappointment on present leadership, pay system and communication. May be it was the reason for low performance of Mr. Rahul.

Which of the following is wrong?


Participative leader gives order and expect his subordinates to obey that order

Democratic and Participative leader are same

Laissez faire leader does not believe in the use of power unless it is absolutely essential

Leadership play vital role in organisational success

Correct Answer:

Participative leader gives order and expect his subordinates to obey that order


A democratic leader will develop action plans and makes decisions in consultation with his subordinates. He will encourage them to participate in decision-making. This kind of leadership style is more common now-a-days, since leaders also recognise that people perform best if they have set their own objectives.
An autocratic leader gives orders and expects his subordinates to obey those orders. If a manager is following this style, then communication is only one-way with the subordinate only acting according to the command given by the manager.